The Coupon Consultant

I have now started my own business, The Coupon Consultant. I will be sharing with people how to save money by using smart shopping strategies. This will include using coupons, rebates, and some planning to save people hundreds of dollars on their monthly budgets. At times, I have hijacked our family blog to share my coupon stories. Well now, the coupon stories have their own blog! And my Circus and have its blog back, too! Check out The Coupon Consultant!

I am without my computer...

Just wanted to let you know that my lack of bloggage is because I am without my computer. My dvd/cd-rom drive quit working, and the casing on the computer is cracked. I took it in and should be getting it soon. I am having to use Craig's computer when he's home, or the VERY slow computer that the kids use for school/games. I am very excited about lots of things that are going on, but I will wait for my computer to share it all. Thanks for your patience!