The Coupon Consultant

I have now started my own business, The Coupon Consultant. I will be sharing with people how to save money by using smart shopping strategies. This will include using coupons, rebates, and some planning to save people hundreds of dollars on their monthly budgets. At times, I have hijacked our family blog to share my coupon stories. Well now, the coupon stories have their own blog! And my Circus and have its blog back, too! Check out The Coupon Consultant!

The Breath of Life....

Jedi's bones are alive! After x-rays today, we now know that Jedi's bones are in the regenerative stage of the disease! He has
had significant bone growth since December. Isn't God good? The pain that he is experiencing is normal at this stage. He will
grow out of this eventually. When he has pain, he can be treated with simple pain medication. We will return to Duke in December for more x-
rays. Thank you for praying for us.

Now, I will share one more request. We have friends, Greg and Missy
Wood, who are sharing Jesus with people in Mexico. A week ago this
past Saturday their 4 year old daughter, Annie, fell into a boiling
pot of liquid. She was burned on over 20% of her body. She was flown
to Shriner's Hospital in Galveston, TX, and God has done incredible
things in this situation. For example, in the beginning, they were
told the burns were over more than 40% of her body. God has also
provided for their family in Galveston in incredible ways. They have
a blog, . Please visit the website to read the
whole story and see daily updates about this precious little girl and
her family. Please pray for healing for Annie. Pray for patience and
wisdom for Greg and Missy as they help clean her wounds and help her
heal psychologically as well. We love this family, and we know that
you, our prayer warriors, would do an incredible job lifting them up.

Thanks again for holding the ropes for us through another tough time!
The Clayton Circus


Deliegha said...

Were Praising the Lord with you!
By the way you kids can NOT be that old already!!!!! It hasn't been THAT long!
-Thinking of you all and praying too.
Deliegha for the family

Sarah said...

I'm so excited to find your blog! I've sitting here at 2 a.m. reading all your old posts--your family is so sweet, and I'm glad to hear that your son's results came out well. We've been through some hard things medically with all three of our kids, and there's nothing that strikes fear in my heart like having to see a specialist for one of them!

Speaking of kids, I saw on your profile that you're homeschooling--so are we! How's it going for you guys?

Okay, I'm off to bed, but I'll be back to catch up more on our Married Housing '98 neighbors!! :)