The Coupon Consultant

I have now started my own business, The Coupon Consultant. I will be sharing with people how to save money by using smart shopping strategies. This will include using coupons, rebates, and some planning to save people hundreds of dollars on their monthly budgets. At times, I have hijacked our family blog to share my coupon stories. Well now, the coupon stories have their own blog! And my Circus and have its blog back, too! Check out The Coupon Consultant!

Pray for Mexico

When we felt the Lord calling us from Mexico, our burden for the lost there did not change. I still pray for them almost daily. Unfortunately, some of the struggles they face there have spilled over into the US. This video is a story put together by FOX news. It is hard to believe that this is occurring in OUR country. I will warn you that they talk about some very hard issues. We must pray for the lost of Mexico. AND most importantly, we must do what we can to reach for Christ those who are in our country so they will go and change their homeland for Christ.

Click here to see the video.


Anonymous said...

hey I miss you soul sis. I am so glad you left a comment on Susan's blog. is me