The Coupon Consultant

I have now started my own business, The Coupon Consultant. I will be sharing with people how to save money by using smart shopping strategies. This will include using coupons, rebates, and some planning to save people hundreds of dollars on their monthly budgets. At times, I have hijacked our family blog to share my coupon stories. Well now, the coupon stories have their own blog! And my Circus and have its blog back, too! Check out The Coupon Consultant!

Today is worth TWO posts on the blog...

Craig had the chance to lead a guy to Christ about a month ago on a Sunday morning right after service. It's a young guys who is in the area for 6 months of schooling for his job in up state New York. Well, this last week, his girlfriend, who was not a believer, came down to meet all of his new Christian friends and see him get baptized. On Friday night, we had them over for dessert. After two hours of talking with her and sharing about truly who God was, they got in their car to leave. There was no pressure from us to accept Christ, but I had honestly hoped she would accept the Lord. They cranked the car and she immediately said, "I am ready to get saved." So, they cut off the car and come back in and she prayed to receive Christ right here in our living room! It was amazing!

Monday thru Wednesday, during the day, she hung out with the kids and me. Her boyfriend was in class all day, so she was going to be alone all those days. We had some incredible time to read God's word together and for me to share with her some of the basics of the faith. She had never really read the Bible and so we started from the beginning. As I would share stories with her, I would realize that she didn't know any of them, and one story in the Bible always leads to another. I was almost giddy telling her some of the greats. I got to be the VERY FIRST person to share some of the most exciting things in the Bible.

After she left on Wednesday, I had a very sobering thought. Why isn't God's Word as exciting for me when I read it to myself, or to my kids? Have I really allowed God's Word to become "old hat" to me? God's Word is EXCITING!!! Read the story of Moses as if you never have before. Read the book of Ruth as if you never have before. Read the conversion of Saul, the anointing of David as king, the feeding of the 5000...I COULD GO ON AND ON!!! We see God awesome things in His Word. AND HE DOES IT TODAY, TOO!

Lord, help me to be disciplined to read your Word with a fresh perspective EVERYDAY!